Parents Time Away
Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young – a place near your altar, O LORD Almighty, my King, and my God. ~Psalm 84:3
This ministry supports parents to be the mothers and fathers God wants them to be. To take time away to refresh and renew yourself and strengthen your marriage. When you come back, you’ll be ready to help your children be as God created them.
Parents’ Time Away is available for children 6 weeks through completed 5th grade. All of our staff are CPR/First Aid trained and up to date on our Safe Sanctuary requirements. There are age-appropriate activities planned for a morning full of fun!
Payment must be made at the time of registration, either through the Church website either under Events or Nursery pages. Payment on-line is very easy from the forms. We cannot “hold” spots so please sign up early. Registration MUST be completed the Friday before the event for staffing purposes. Registration/Policy form and the Medical Release Form must be filled out. And also a copy of the Vaccination Record to stay on file. The registration fee is $20.
$30 for 1st child
$25 for 2nd
$20 for 3rd
A minimum number of children is required; if we need to cancel, due to low numbers, you will be reimbursed. We follow Cobb County School dates. However, we are here for many breaks as well. For inclement weather, we may need to cancel or reschedule the event.
*For questions or cancellations call 770-943-3008 ext. 5006 or email
Fall 2024 Registration
Time Away is hosted by the Nursery Ministry of McEachern. We offer weekly sessions on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm for children 6 weeks through completed kindergarten. All of our staff are trained in CPR/first aid and are up to date on safety requirements. Forms and payment must be submitted at least 24 hours before the event, or a $10 late fee will be incurred. We cannot “hold” spots without payment. Sign up for a day, week or more. It’s your time – you decide. Any questions please contact Susan Koopman at 678-567-5006 or

Spring 2025 Registration
Time Away is hosted by the Nursery Ministry of McEachern. We offer weekly sessions on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm for children 6 weeks through completed kindergarten. All of our staff are trained in CPR/first aid and are up to date on safety requirements. Forms and payment must be submitted at least 24 hours before the event, or a $10 late fee will be incurred. We cannot “hold” spots without payment. Sign up for a day, week or more. It’s your time – you decide. Any questions please contact Susan Koopman at 678-567-5006 or